Thursday, January 7, 2016

Using A Planner To Accomplish Your Goals

the picture above is property of  TheSelfReinventionDiary

A planner in my opinion is probably the most useful tool. One key thing I learned from years of failing at goals and new years resolutions is the importance of STRUCTURE. We say "I want to lose 50 pounds". Beyond that there is very little structure for most people. Mini goals are crucial when trying to make a major change and planners are a useful way to track that.

Take your major goal and break it into mini goals. An example of using your planner to accomplish a goal.:
Weight Loss:
gym inspiration:

1. Set daily, weekly and monthly goals. Your daily goals may be to drink 8 glasses of water, and have 5 servings of fruits and vegetables. Your weekly goals could be to workout 5 times a week. A monthly goal may be to lose a specific amount that month.

2. Plan workout sessions. Instead of just saying you will go to the gym more, pencil in specific dates and times you will go to the gym.
desk, pink, and room image
3. Track your diet goals. If you want to eat 5 fruits and vegetables everyday, put a star for everyday you accomplish that. Or a red X for everyday you don't. Doing this makes me more eager to stick to my daily goals.

4. Check it off! This goes along with #3, consistently checking off what you accomplish will make you feel happy about what you've stuck to. It will also allow you to face what you've been procrastinating about. When you set out to accomplish a major goal, it's easy to feel lost or defeated because you haven't accomplished it. Utilizing a planner and mini goals allows you to celebrate your progress. 


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