Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Spiritual Goals

Be Happy

love, smile, and couple image
This is an obvious one, but I will put it into the universe anyway. All of the goals and changes I'm pursuing have one primary purpose: to help me become happy with my life. 

Forgive Myself and Others

Make Your Own Motivational Quote Images | Karen Salmansohn’s awesome app called “Instant Peptalk.”
I will never be happy or content until I finally forgive myself. Stop holding onto how much better your life would've been if you did certain things differently. Instead fully accept where you are in life and get excited about how you can transform your life beyond your wildest imagination. Also I have to free myself from grudges and holding on to sadness regarding those whom have wronged me.


Regular meditation is said to have life-altering benefits; the practice has been shown to reduce stress, increase practitioners’ well-being, and help individuals avoid a host of illnesses brought on by busy, stressful lifestyles.:
 Meditation is something that I've done quite a bit before, but not consistently. By the end of 2016,  I would like to be meditating everyday for at least 25 minutes. It sounds easier than it is. Especially for those of us with short attention spans.

Use the Law of Attraction In My Day-to-Day Life

So much is possible and pretty much all of it depends on you. Be authentic. Live your purpose.
There was a time in my life about two years ago, where I got really into manifesting with the law of attraction. I made some big life changes and for that brief moment in time, so much of what I asked the universe for happened. I know, many of you are rolling your eyes, but it's true. I wrote down on a note card that I wanted my parents to get a new car.  Within two months, they received some good financial news and were able to start the process of looking for a new car. I said I wanted to go to New York City, I actually posted about this on Pinterest in addition to the note card. I ended up being able to go to New York with my mom and aunt. However,  shortly after the trip to NYC, something happened that sent me into a downward spiral. I tried to get back into the swing of things, but without continuing those big life changes- nothing happened. In 2016, I would like to commit myself to getting back on track.


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